Saturday, April 5, 2014


We are back home after a fruitful 3 weeks.  Saw almost 200 patients in clinic this past week, new relationships formed, old ones deepened, more progress on the new clinic building.  God is alive and working in Haiti.  We are so blessed to be allowed to be involved in the things that God is doing.  I am so grateful for my Haitian brothers and sisters.  We were invited to visit in several home this week, we feel honored that they want to share their lives with us.  David was able to connect with a boy, Nashon, from one of the orphanages.  Nashon did a lot of work cleaning up around the new clinic building and David was able to spend time driving Nashon to and from the orphanage giving them time for good conversation.

Our final evening was spent with our dear friend Christian catching up and also singing and worshiping together.  Always a delightful time - Christian is a very gifted musician.

Lastly, our dear friend Wesner drove 1 hour to the airport with his beautiful wife Ingrid and 2 children, Lyric and Melody just to be able to greet us and take pics,  They live on the north side of the island so we do not often get a chance to see them.  We are truly blessed!

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Sabbath Rest

Today was a much needed day of rest.  It has continued to be busy here in Haiti.  Lots of patients in the eye clinic on Thursday and Friday, more painting on Saturday.  We also have had opportunity to fellowship with the other missionaries here at Christianville - there was a going away party for our friend Sara Valentinetti who has been an intern on the farm here for 2 years.  Saturday night was a night out to celebrate a birthday.  We go to ride the short bus (thanks Aaron)!

We had a beautiful morning of worship singing "Blessed Assurance" , "Be Still My Soul", and "Great is Your Faithfulness"  all in French.  I was greeted by many of the church women today, I recognized many and even remembered a few names.

We spent the afternoon at the beach and ended the day with bible study with our friends at Haiti Health Ministries.  A very refreshing day!

Patients waiting to be seen in the eye clinic -

Craft time at the womens conference.  Even Michelet, our translator made a book mark-

The women at the conference receiving their gifts from the women of New Hope Church -

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Women and Paint

Today was the final day of the women's conference.  We finished strong with good sharing and lots of laughter.  Backing up a little - Tuesday, day 2 was our longest day of the conference and our longest day of teaching.  I found I had to cut our a few stories from my talk, the women were hanging in, hungry for teaching and excited for all the activities.  Our translators, however, had reached the end of their mental stamina by 3:00.  Yesterday it was obvious that the women were much  more comfortable with us and the and teasing flowed (much of which was translated to us)!  Today we had a craft, the women encouraged, cajoled the Pastors/translators to also participate in - we will bring back pictures.  We spent time singing and had less teaching time.  We ended the afternoon by giving   the gifts so graciously given by the women of New Hope church (smiles and laughter indicated how much they enjoyed the gifts) and eating cake!  They have invited us back next year!  One of the biggest indications that we are accepted here happened after the conference Tuesday and today - as Laurie and I left Tuesday there was a group of 4 women walking home from the conference. We asked if they would like a ride and all 4 women jumped into the back of the truck.  Today when we left, they waited for us so we could all drive home together.  In Haiti a free ride is usually reserved for close friends and family, we are friends!

On the topic of painting - Bob, Darrell and David have been worker bees giving our Haiti home a much needed face lift.  Typically by lunch time they have had enough of sanding cement so have been painting both the back and front porch on our home.  They do good work.  The house looks better and the wood will stay in good condition for much longer!  Thanks guys!  Caribbean Blue is my new favorite color!

Monday, March 24, 2014

Women's Conference Day 1

Laurie and I had our first day with the women of Marechal church.  We had 32 women, 2 babies and 1 toddler in attendance.  Everyone was excited to be there, attentive and engaged.  We both talked a shorter time than we thought we would.  At the end of my morning talk we were concerned about filling up the time.  Not to worry, the women had very enthusiastic discussion and so we were able to allow more time for them to talk together.  We ended the discussion with large group sharing, 1 person from each of the smaller groups shared the answers their group had come up with.

Our translators, both pastors from the church were great at translating but also were very helpful in making our transitions smoother, engaging the women and leading the worship songs we were using.  We are both pleased and grateful for the way the day went.

On the home front, David, Bob and Darrell were working on painting our house trim Caribbean blue.  No easy task at the paint was very much like blue water.  After 3 coats the trim is looking pretty good.  They will put on 1 last coat tomorrow and then go back to sanding cement walls in the eye clinic.  They will be busy.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Hi everyone!  It has been a very busy and fruitful past couple of days.  Saw 60 patients in clinic on Thursday and 20 on Friday.  The rest of the team arrived safely on Thursday.  Thursday evening we had a chance to let everyone relax and rest up from the travel.

On Friday, the guys had the large, dirty task of sanding the stucco walls of the eye clinic so they would be ready to paint when the time is right.  We also received assurances that the roof should be on by the end of April - keep praying for this to happen.  Laurie and I met with the Pastor of the church to go over final details for the conference.  Huge blessings - we will have 39 or 40 women which means we have enough of the lovely gift bags put together by women's bible studies!  One of our translators is also part of the worship team at church - we have a pianist to help lead the worship time! We were prepared to do a capella if necessary.
  We topped off the day by having group devotions and watching the stars come our on the roof of one of the buildings. Such a blessing to enjoy Gods majesty,

We started today at 5:45 with a climb up the mountain to watch the sunrise and to greet the many people who were on their way to market (a 1 or 2 hour trip with heavy loads for many of them).  After that we spent much of the day working on the optometry house painting trim and preparing the porch for painting.  Just as we were sitting down for lunch (prepared by our housekeeper who is an amazing cook) and old friend, Frank Charlemagne stopped by.  Frank has worked with the eye clinic from the very first time we came to Haiti.  He is currently working as a translator/driver for reach global.  It was a blessing to share memories together.

It is getting late so I will have to quit for now - we are feeling encouraged and blessed this night!

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Bonjou from sunny and warm Haiti!  The first 2 days here have been very busy.  Patients have been lining up at the eye clinic for days.  We opened at 7:45 am Tuesday to begin seeing patients.  I was slow to begin with.  I began seeing patients at 8:05, finished at 1:30 and only saw 50 patients.  Today I was faster - started in at 8 finished at 2 but I was 70 patients.  Very full days.

Progress on the new eye clinic has been very slow, we were hoping for a roof or at least some work on the trusses for the roof.  They are just beginning the trusses so no roof, no progress.  Please pray that things will move along and that we would be patient.  I fully trust that the eye clinic will be complete in God's timing.

David has been meeting with our builder, checking in on the finances and lining up projects for the team.  He will also be preaching at church on Sunday morning.  Please be praying that God will speak through David and that he would be sensitive to God's spirit.

We also had some not good news about a health issue for one of my brothers.  Please pray for physical and emotional strength for Tim as he faces his struggle and for David and I to be fully here in Haiti.  Pray also that we would trust God and His care for Tim.

Thank you all for your support and prayers.  We are very happy to be here in Haiti, it has been a joy to reconnect with many friends and siblings in the family of God!