Friday, October 25, 2013


I am frequently asked "How are things in Haiti?  Are they getting any better?"  For first time visitors driving through Port Au Prince, they would think no.  In reality progress is being made - some big steps and some baby steps.  The city is DIRTY but it is noticeably cleaner than it was 4 months ago, there are still people living in tents and many areas with broken down buildings, but the tent neighborhoods are smaller, debris is being cleared away and there is new construction.

On a more personal note - the walls of the eye clinic are built up to the bond beam at the top, the bond beam is nearly finished.  What does that mean?  The roof is ready to go on!  The trusses need to be made and then they will be put in place.  The finish surface is going on the walls.  We should be ready for paint and tile before the end of the year!  Praise God for His provision!

The temporary clinic continues to see 40-50 patients per day (thank you Dr. Ryan!).  Highlights for you clinical types - glaucoma, a suspected brain lesion, someone hit in the eye with a rock and another one with a fist.  Every day is something new.

I praise God for how He is providing for the needs of the Haitians and for allowing me to be a part of the work He is doing here!